The Forensic Storage and Technology Center offers clients access to qualified forensic consultants and experts across a wide range of disciplines including engineering, science and medicine.
The experienced professionals provide expertise to legal communities, insurance industry, law enforcement and government sectors across, and outside of the United States. For over 57 years our consultants have provided, and continue to provide thorough investigations, expert testimony and analysis with integrity, commitment to quality and exceptional customer service.
- Autonomous Vehicles
- Biomechanical
- Crashworthiness
- Engine Control Module (ECM)
- Event Data Recorder (EDR)
- GPS Technology
- Motorcycle
- Occupant Restraint
- Pedestrian Accidents
- Reconstruction of Motor Vehicles & Heavy Vehicle Incidents
- Seatbelts
- Tires
- Tractor-Trailers
- Vehicle Components
- Visibility
- Who Was the Driver
- Athletic Fields
- Aquatics
- BMX /Bicycling
- Boating
- Concussions
- Crowd Control
- Injuries
- Martial Arts
- Physical Rehabilitation
- Playgrounds
- Rinks
- Sports
- Water Parks
- Arborist
- Architectural
- Arson
- Automotive Engineering
- Cause & Origin
- Chemical
- Civil
- Collision Reconstruction
- Document Examination / Ink Identification
- Electrical Engineering
- Environmental
- Equipment
- Handwriting
- Human Factors
- Mechanical Engineering
- Metallurgy
- Premise Liability
- Product Liability
- Property Management
- Slip & Fall
- Structural
- Warnings and Labels
- Chart Review
- Drugs
- Hospital Administration
- Medical Defense
- Medical Malpractice
- Medical Products
- Nursing
- Pharmacy